Monday, February 11, 2013


the Lincoln Script

the script

Artist Statement:

Our perception of the situation compared to another can be so different than another. This is true in the reading from Ethan Canin, who tells the story of a photograph to his wife. He describes his perception of what is taking place from his own childhood memories. When his wife finds the actual photograph he had been describing, he recounts what is taking place to his wife. However, his wife points out the he is entirely wrong, in fact the photograph isn’t of his mother at all, it is of his grandmother.

            In the film Lincoln, Daniel Day Lewis portrays Abraham Lincoln in such an incredible way that we drew from his performance as we wrote dialogue for the script. We took his humor and wit and used that in decisions for what President Lincoln would say in this situation.

In the film, we see President Lincoln’s efforts towards abolishing slavery. President Lincoln’s perspective on slavery varied much from his associates. However, despite the odds, President Lincoln fought valiantly to abolish slavery and did succeed. He never gives in to the peer pressure of the doubters around him but stayed true to his dream.

            The script we wrote shows the power that an individual has to change the mind of another. The mother in this script is able to convince The President of The United States of America to pardon her son and spare him from the penalty of death. President Lincoln did not know all of the details about this man who was to be sentenced to death, but because his mother was courageous and pleaded her case before him, she was able to save her son’s life. President Lincoln also was humble and willing to listen to this Mother’s plea and his mercy met the demands of justice. 

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